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Access via Highway Ruta 5 or Highway C-391. The property has a total area of approximately 1.295 hectares. It is currently subdivided into 3 lots. There are deposits of copper and iron concentrate that could be an attractive investment for those who wish to expand their mining activities or invest directly in properties in the industrial sector of Copiapó with high added value.


The larger plot has a total area of approximately 1,295 hectares. It is currently divided into 3 plots, namely: LOT MM-A: 350 ha, LOT MM-B: 400 ha and LOT MM-C: 545 ha.

As you can see from the attached file “Plano de subdivisión – Copiapó”, the property is divided into 3 plots, of which plots MM-A and MM-B are for sale.

The file “Mapa de ubicación y coordenadas – Copiapó” shows the coordinates of the plot and the georeferenced photo shows the proximity to the town of Copiapó and the access roads.

We also have the legal documents of the property, showing the current registration of ownership, the certificate of mortgages and encumbrances and the certificate of validity of the company that owns the 3 plots. All documents are up to date. The land is available immediately, both the documents and the plans of the land are available for you to study.


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